Beyoncé’s “Drunk in Love” Gets Censored by British Radio

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  • 10:51 PM - 25 January 2014
  • 1 photo

A British radio station has cut out aline from Beyoncé’s song because an indirect reference to domestic violence.

During his rap interlude, Jay Z says,"Now eat the cake, Anna Mae/I said eat the cake, Anna Mae." Whichreferences a scene from the movie "What's Love Got to Do With It," the lyric mimics IkeTurner forcing Tina Turner to eat in a particularly brutal scene.

"The lyrics controversiallyimitate a scene of severe domestic violence," Jennifer Ogole, CEO of BangRadio, explained in a statement. And he added ”Respectful of what our audience[wants] to hear on Bang Radio, we feel this is the right action to take.”

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