Episodes: Series - Shea Min El Madhi - 2018

  • season 1
  • episode #1

1st Episode

Amal has nightmares about the murder of her sister Farah in her childhood. Umm Fahd (Fahd's mother) requests something mysterious from Shams at Umm Rashid's house. Nada is left in a coma after a mysterious man steals her necklace. Saif shoots Youssef, and Salem covers it up.


  • season 1
  • episode #2

2nd Episode

Salem is shocked to see Amal and Abu Rashid in Suhair's nightclub. Saif is beaten by an unknown person after his girlfriend Nermin's murder. As Shams throws herself on purpose in front of Fahd's car while his father is driving, he likes her, which spoils Umm Fahd's plan. Nada recovers from the coma.


  • season 1
  • episode #3

3rd Episode

Nouran and Nada move to Aziz's house, and Nada meets Youssef. Amal receives an unknown order to accompany Aziz into making a specific financial deal. The police question Suhair about Nermin's murder. Nouran confesses to Nada that Saad tried to kill her before her marriage to Kamal.


  • season 1
  • episode #4

4th Episode

"Umm Saif has a nightmare about kidnapping the son of another woman. Amal gets close to Saif. As Abu Rashid (Rashid's father) is killed, Amal escapes from the hotel, and the police arrest Abu Fahd and exonerate him afterwards. Youssef and Nada help Saif and Amal escape from the police.


  • season 1
  • episode #5

5th Episode

As Hatton suggests to Saad to marry Nada to seize her wealth, he threatens Nada and returns her necklace to her. Saif tells Amal that she resembles the daughter of their employee, Jaber. Jihan sees the ghost of a woman who accuses her of kidnapping her son. Salem orders Suhair to rob Aziz.


  • season 1
  • episode #6

6th Episode

Shams is hired in Abu Fahd's company, and the latter catches feelings for her, while Hatton orders her to watch him. Saif and Amal keep running away. Salem eavesdrops on Youssef, and Mustafa assures him that Saif and Amal are with him. The police discover that Saif ran away in his aunt Hayat's car.


  • season 1
  • episode #7

7th Episode

Aziz hands Suhair a sum of money in exchange for helping Saif, while Haitham questions Aziz about the disappearance of Hayat's car. Jihan searches for a file stolen by Salem, who makes a failed attempt on Aziz's life.


  • season 1
  • episode #8

8th Episode

Salem refuses to give the file to Jihan, who repels his feelings. As Aziz recovers, Jihan suspects that there is a relationship between him and Nouran. Najib visits Hayat in the psychiatric hospital. Abu Fahd (Fahd's father) proposes to Shams. Hayat fails to escape from the psychiatric hospital.


  • season 1
  • episode #9

9th Episode

Fahd takes care of Shams' mother's treatment. As Nada and Youssef's relationship strengthens, she confesses to him about her mother's relationship with Saad and his threats to her. Suhair frames Saad for the attempt made on Aziz's life. Amal is separated from Saif and then warns Nahid about Murad.


  • season 1
  • episode #10

10th Episode

Nada rejects Youssef's feelings because of her fear of Saad. Saad and Salem warn each other against interfering in each other's plans. In the psychiatric hospital, Hayat tells Haitham about Jaber's missing daughters.


  • season 1
  • episode #11

11th Episode

Jihan makes sure that Amal is Samah, and Suhair tells Aziz about this matter after Salem turns against her. Youssef informs his uncle Jaber that he found his daughter Samah and that she is with Saif.


  • season 1
  • episode #12

12th Episode

Hatton makes sure that her husband is cheating on her. Fahd fires Shams from her job. Amal manipulates Saif, making him strike a deal with Burhami and Murad to sell his land for a cheap price.


  • season 1
  • episode #13

13th Episode

Jihan orders Salem to kill Faris, Suhair's adopted son. Nada and Youssef inform Haitham that Saad is chasing them. Saif cancels his travel decision because Amal refused to travel with him, which angers Burhami and his assistant, Murad.


  • season 1
  • episode #14

14th Episode

Aziz saves Faris after Salem tries to run him over with a car. Youssef makes sure that Aziz is involved with Burhami and Murad. Hayat steals pictures from her file in the hospital. Nahid discovers that Burhami will set up a fake project with Abu Fahd, who has a customary marriage with Shams.


  • season 1
  • episode #15

15th Episode

Amal tells Burhami about Saif's return, and the latter searches for evidence of his innocence with the help of Youssef. As Shams shows her jealousy, Sarah discovers Shams and Abu Fahd's relationship. Hayat's nurse steals papers from Hayat's file. Saad attacks Nouran with a knife before he escapes.


  • season 1
  • episode #16

16th Episode

Shams falsely announces to Abu Fahd that she's pregnant. Suhair beats and ties Salem up while trying to kill Faris. Aziz and Jihan discover that Salem has manipulated them. Saif turns to Suhair to help him. Hayat's doctor is shocked that Tariq has injected Hayat with sedatives.


  • season 1
  • episode #17

17th Episode

Abu Fahd divorces Hatton and kicks her out after she hit Umm Shams. Hayat escapes from the psychiatric hospital, so Tariq brings her back, and Jihan orders him to kill Hayat.


  • season 1
  • episode #18

18th Episode

Burhami orders Murad to get rid of the spies in his company. Nouran asks Fahd for papers belonging to his father's company. Salem informs Faris that he is not Suhair's son before he escapes, and Suhair tells Saif that Salem was the one who killed Nermin.


  • season 1
  • episode #19

19th Episode

Hayat falls into a coma. Youssef saves Jihan from Salem's attempt to kill her. Abu Fahd expels his son from the company after refusing to complete Murad's deal.


  • season 1
  • episode #20

20th Episode

Haitham investigates the case of the disappearance of Jaber and Salem. Hayat remembers that Jihan took hers and Jaber's son from her and put her in the hospital. Saif returns Faris to Suhair, and Amal reaches the files that prove Murad's corruption.


  • season 1
  • episode #21

21st Episode

Lina notices what Tariq is doing with Hayat. Aziz remembers Salem's threat to expose him for murdering his brother and Jihan's father. Jihan tries to kill her servant after she thinks she is Farah. The police find Jaber tied up after Salem beat him.


  • season 1
  • episode #22

22nd Episode

Lina hands Jihan evidence of Tariq's drugging of Hayat without her knowledge of their complicity with him. As Hayat escapes from the hospital, Haitham investigates the matter. Nada exposes Aziz's corruption in front of Nouran, and Abu Fahd falls ill after discovering the fraud.


  • season 1
  • episode #23

23rd Episode

Shams turns against Abu Fahd after losing his fortune. Burhami refuses Aziz's order to return Abu Fahd's land. Jaber dies before Amal arrives. The police chase Murad after killing Engi, and Burhami kills him. Sarah tries to extort money from Fahd in return for handing him the forged contract.


  • season 1
  • episode #24

24th Episode

Amal tells Youssef that Salem killed her mother and that Suhair knows about it. Saif returns to visit his father and tells him that Salem is the one who killed Nermin. Lina hides Hayat after her appearance. Fahd acquiesces to Sarah, and Saad kidnaps Nouran.


  • season 1
  • episode #25

25th Episode

It turns out that Farah was Aziz's wife and that Salem informed Jihan of this. The police rescue Nouran, and Saad escapes. Tariq gets Hayat back. Haitham questions Lina. Amal files a report with the police regarding Jaber's murder by her sister Farah. Amal teams up with Suhair to get rid of Salem.


  • season 1
  • episode #26

26th Episode

Jihan confronts Aziz with his betrayal of her and his corrupt work with Burhami. Abu Fahd discovers that Shams has cheated on him. Youssef reveals to Amal that Farah was Aziz's wife. Amal tells Aziz that she is Farah's sister, after which she tells Saif that Faris is Hayat's cousin.


  • season 1
  • episode #27

27th Episode

Salem kills Aziz, and the police arrest Saif. Amal reveals to Jihan that she is Farah's sister. Dr. Moataz begins to study Hayat's case. Jihan expels Tariq after he tries to blackmail her.


  • season 1
  • episode #28

28th Episode

Amal tells Faris that he's Hayat and Jaber's son, confronts Suhair with the fact that she is the one who killed Abu Rashid, and gives Haitham an audio recording in which Suhair confesses to the matter. Salem kills Suhair, and Sultan kills Shams.


  • season 1
  • episode #29

29th Episode

Youssef kills Salem while trying to kill Jihan. The police arrest Tariq and Saad, and Burhami confesses to the fraud. Haitham confronts Jihan with her replacing of Hayat's son, so she gives him the child's death certificate.


  • season 1
  • episode #30


Saeed finds Hayat and Jaber's marriage contract, and Jihan reveals to Amal that Jaber was the one who killed Farah. Saif is proved innocent. The DNA test proves that Faris is the son of Hayat, who is released from the psychiatric hospital. Fahd and Nada tie the knot.
