A social series revolving around the story of a marriage that appears to be successful, but it passes through minor accumulations that turn into a fierce conflict that brings out the evil that lies...Read more within the human soul.
When a flight attendant faces an unpleasant problem, she decides to avenge, but as luck would have it, her situation gets even worse when she is accused of hijacking a plane. Has she hijacked it in...Read more retaliation? Or is it just a scheme against her?
Omar Salah, a CCTV technician, is recruited by Officer Khaled Sabry from the General Intelligence Directorate. His mission aims to uncover Mossad cells both in Europe and Egypt and find out their...Read more missions.
Fares (Ahmed al-Saqqa) is an accomplished lawyer, who decides to leave the legal profession after his ex-girlfriend Hasnaa (Yasmin Sabri) leaves him and marries a wealthy man. But as she turns to him...Read more after her husband disappears, he finds himself accused of things that never crossed his mind.
When Amina gets diagnosed with cancer close to her wedding, she gets abandoned by her fiancé under his family's pressure. This all serves as a wake-up call which makes her reflect on her relationships...Read more with the people in her life. Her elevated sense of maturity makes her value what and who truly matter in her life.
The series continues after the events of the first part that focused on the founding of Brotherhood by Hassan Al-Banna, focusing on their history under the ruling of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, a...Read more period in which Hassan Al-Hudaybi and Sayyid Qutb dominated the group's capabilities.
A series about the interconnected relationships between different social levels, starting with (Akram), who is the executive director of a big company, his emotionally distraught wife, and (Samir)...Read more their driver who also struggles with his own conflicts where he lives , and his partner (Sony) who snoops on ladies' phones.
The story revolves around the Egyptian police officer (Mahmoud Abdel-Zaher), who is transferred to the Siwa Oasis with his foreign wife, Catherine, who is passionate about Egyptian antiquities....Read more Together they begin a new experience where the past blends with the present.
Selim Al-Ansary is a morally-conscious police officer who is talented at his job. He is constantly criticized by those around him, even his mother, and is perceived as an evil person. When a murder...Read more inside the police station unjustly points to him as a suspect, he gets arrested, but he decides to escape to prove his innocence.
A doctor travels to a damned hamlet, where there are no newborns, with many cases of girls and men possessed by Jinn, all of whom say that there is a woman who speaks to them and that she wants to...Read more take revenge on the whole hamlet.