Van Damme celebrates his 51st birthday today on "Alhayah Alyawm"

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  • 11:37 AM - 18 October 2011
  • 1 photo

Yesterday (Monday the 17th of November), Jean Claude Van Damme visited a number of Cairo's monumental landmarks, as well as Tahrir Square. Afterwards, the Belgian star prepared for his 51st birthday's celebration which would be held on air with the viewers of the "Alhayah Alyawm" program, which is hosting him today.In addition to that, the Lebanese Rula Saad was able to convince him to appear on an episode of her own "Rula Show" which airs on the same channel. Van Damme welcomed being on the program and meeting groups of young talented artists.Van Damme had arrived to Cairo yesterday at dawn for a short two-day visit. He announced that he has come to Egypt for the very first time to visit Tahrir Square and meet the people who have raised the Egyptian revolution and have impressed the world.

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