The Egyptian Creativity Front condemns the decision of preventing "Separation"

  • News
  • 12:48 PM - 14 March 2012
  • 1 photo

After the management of Cairo University refused to show the Oscar winning Iranian film "the Separation", the Egyptian Creativity Front released a statement condemning this decision and they said:"It will be absurd and a waste of energy and time to explain the role of cinema and its arts and how it develops the minds and souls. The cinema clubs in schools, universities and social clubs have always enriched our brains and through them we have traveled the world. It opened a window of a non-stoppable flood of real life facts and thoughts. We have learned loyalty to our land through "Al Ard" and understood justice from the court scene in "Al Nasser Salah El Din". Films by Salah Abu Seif have implemented the seed to believe and fight for social justice.Now, we find ourselves defending the freedom of this art, and we believe its tragic that a film that earned many awards globally and the last was the Oscars is prevented from showing. And how ironic it is when this forbidden film "The Separation" is Iranian, which means that it will not contain any inappropriate scenes. We request the management who is responsible for this decision to think it over, and not try to please some extremist groups. This management should stick to its eternal role in the university of building a generation".

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