Rumour: Did last Christmas witness the wedding of Hollywood's hottest couple, "The Brangelina"?

  • News
  • 01:49 PM - 2 January 2013
  • 3 photos

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A rumour suddenly spread all over international press and sitesthat Hollywood's hottest and most powerful couple, Brad Pitt and AngelinaJolie, tight the knot in a very hush-hush ceremony on Christmas day.

The Daily Telegraph based this rumour on the couple spending theChristmas Holidays in "Turks & Caicos Islands" with their sixchildren, twelve nannies, Brad's brothers and parents and a few other guests.

Till now, the couple didn’t make any official statementregarding this rumour, whether confirming or denying it. But again; we shouldalways expect more from this couple who were together for seven years andsuddenly announced their engagement even though they said they would never getmarried!

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