Spike Lee Denies Juan Garcia's Claims that Oldboy Posters were Stolen

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  • 11:48 AM - 30 November 2013
  • 1 photo

After Juan Luis Garcia wrote an open letter to Spike Lee claiming that an ad agency has stolen poster designs heworked on for Oldboy, Lee's new film that was released in American theaters afew days ago. Lee replied on his twitter: "INever Heard Of This Guy Juan Luis Garcia,If He Has A Beef It's Not With Me.IDid Not Hire Him,Do Not Know Him.Cheap TrickWriting To Me."

Garciahad sent the letter to Spike Lee, claiming the ad agency hasn't paid for whatit stole, and he was considering that Lee would help him as he saw him as anadvocate of art and artists. Healso stated that he preferred writing to Lee directly instead of using legalaction.

Spike Lee's social media pageswere swarmed with comments demanding he pays Garcia what he deserves, but itdoesn't seem that the Malcolm Xdirector will be changing his mind. "WhyShould I Pay Someone Who I Never Met Nor Had Any Contact With Ever? He NeverMade Any Deal With Me."

The film is a remake of the Korean film of the same namedirected by Chan Wook Park, and it stars Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen and Samuel L. Jackson.

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