Thuraya Ibrahim Dead

  • News
  • 08:19 PM - 18 January 2015
  • 1 photo

Actress Thuraya Ibrahim has died in her house today at noon, aged 76, and will be buried in her family's graveyard tomorrow in Tanta.

The late actress enjoyed a prolific career, performing numerous supporting roles in films and television series, and was most known for portraying caricaturic mothers. Her most famous roles were in television series like “ Hadith Alsabah wal Masaa” (Day and Night Talk), “ Tamer wa Shawqeya” (Tamer and Shawqeya), “ Algabal” (The Mountain) and “Lahazat Harega” (Critical Moments), as well as the films “ Harim Karim” (Karim's Harem) and “ Katkoot”.

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