The story follows a young woman and a young man who have been close friends since childhood, and together, they face many different situations and problems with their friends and families, but some...Read more changes suddenly occur in their relationship.
As the rookie journalist Tamader works on a press report about the death of a prominent man named Hamdi, she ends up staying at his daughter’s house under the pretext that she's a maid in order to...Read more obtain all the necessary information about him.
Majed, along with his friends and teammates, continues to face more challenges and exciting adventures by playing football, while their personal lives are also witnessing more developments and various...Read more changes.
Helmy has just graduated from college and is starting his career. He is shy and trusts everyone, which causes him to have social issues in contrast to his dream of a normal life and an honest society...Read more that does not lie. However, he encounters the truth and faces life with honesty and innocence, which causes society to turn against him, and those closest to him deceive him.