At the Grand Hayat Hotel in Cairo, production company “o3” held a press conference to announce the start of filming the series “The Avenger”. The cast of the series were all...Read more present, such as Ahmed El Sadany, Amr Youssef, Horreya Farghali, Ihab Fahmy, Inas Kamel, Amira Hany, Hussam Shabaan and Sameh El Seraity. Supervising the series will be Syrian director Hatem Ali, and the direction of the series goes to directors Fadel El Garhi and Ahmed Fawzy.The idea of “The Avenger” is similar to the Turkish series where is it made up of 120 episodes. Filming will start now to catch up with Ramadan 2012.The series is particularly made to reflect the period from 2004 until 2011 between 2 friends depicting betrayal and treason from one friend “Asem Haroon El Tahaan” towards the other represented in “Omar El Zeiny”