The story follows a poor English boy of unknown parentage named Heathcliff, who is taken in by the wealthy Earnshaw family to be raised by them, but things take a turn when a relationship develops...Read more between him and his foster sister Cathy.
The orphaned Heathcliff falls for his foster sister Cathy, the daughter of the wealthy family that took him in. Despite their feelings for each other, the difference in their status causes Cathy to...Read more marry another, sending Heathcliff on a vicious journey for revenge.
When Mr. Earnshaw takes in the orphaned Heathcliff, the latter's childhood bond with Earnshaw's daughter Catherine soon turns to love as they grow up. But the class difference between them stands in...Read more their way, dooming their love as Catherine weds the wealthy Edgar.
An adaptation of Brontë's novel that recounts the impossible love story between Cathy Earnshaw and Heathcliff, who works at her stable. But with Edgar Linton pursuing Cathy, Heathcliff leaves out of...Read more bitterness and resentment, only to return when it's too late.