The story follows a Danish family who goes to visit a Dutch family they met on holiday, but the weekend turns into tragedy when the Dutch reveal their hidden motives.
In rural Texas in the late 1970s, a pornographic film's cast and crew arrive at an old couple's farm. As they attempt to shoot an adult film on the premises, they soon discover something sinister that...Read more threatens their lives.
A superhero who battles crime by using the curse that runs through his family to enable him to change from his human form into a werewolf.
The Sanderson Sisters are accidentally brought back to the present time by three young women, who then have to figure out how to prevent the witches from potentially causing chaos.
Halloween proves to be a night of terror for five strangers whose paths intersect as they are each forced to face their worst nightmares on the scariest night of the year.
After his abduction by a psychotic, masked child killer, the 13-year-old Finney Shaw finds himself in a soundproof basement that has on the wall a disconnected phone, which starts to ring, whereupon...Read more Finney finds that the callers are the killer's former victims who want to help him avoid their fate.