The film follows an unemployed man called Bors (Gecko), who comes from one of Cairo's slums, and the hardships he faces while trying to get married to the girl he loves.
Qarmouti builds a graveyard for his ancestors, and makes it a paid tourists attraction; this causes him lots of problems with the government. Meantime, a journalist videos an antiquities smuggling...Read more operation and the tape ends up with Qarmouti who finds himself chased by the smugglers.
The film revolves around the use of technology by El Qarmouti, when he travels on vacation, he accidentally gets captured by Isis regime, as he shows their misinterpretation of religion. He's...Read more confronted by more than a scenario; will he joins them, or try to correct their views, or escape.
Al-Qarmouty owns a coffee shop in Nazlet El-Semman. When he sends his son, Wahid, to Baghdad to deliver a mango shipment to his friend Abu Adnan, he gets arrested for criticizing Saddam Hussein. As...Read more the US forces prepare to attack Iraq, Al-Qarmouty has to go to Iraq to find his son.
After living his whole life in Mazarita, Fazza' finally decides to turn his life around once and for all. He moves to Cairo to experience city life, to which he is unaccustomed, and goes through all...Read more of its difficulties and comedic contrasts.
When his father is wrongfully imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, Haytham Dabour the spoiled rich son finds himself on his own. As the son tries to prove his father's innocence, his chauffeur...Read more offers to help him and H. Dabour gradually finds himself becoming a new man.
Al-Lembi returns as a lawyer that isn’t exactly doing well financially. He gets married to a schoolteacher, but the bills keep piling up and he can’t seem to manage to keep up with them. He gets...Read more involved in an accident that turns his life upside down.
Lemby is imprisoned after trying to steal the contract of his father's apartment from his uncle. He discovers his strange resemblance to the prison warden Riad Manfalouti, who's injured in an accident...Read more after Lemby attempts to escape. A doctor performs a surgery and puts Riad's brain into Lemby's body.
El-Limby lives in a decrepit neighborhood with his mother Faransa and he develops feelings for his neighbor. However, her father objects to their marriage, and El-Limby's mother encourages him to find...Read more a job to provide for his family-to-be.