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Wali El Sayed
Filmography: Wali El Sayed - Casting
Alliqa' alththani
1967 - Movie
casting by
El Layali El Tawela
1967 - Movie
casting by
1967 - Movie
casting by
A Crime in the Quiet Neighborhood
1967 - Movie
casting by
Summer Vacation
1966 - Movie
casting by
Al-Zawg Al-Azeb
1966 - Movie
casting by
Tofahet Adam
1966 - Movie
casting by
Mabka el oshak
1966 - Movie
casting by
Bnt alhatuh
1964 - Movie
casting by
The Trap
1963 - Movie
casting by
Al Nasser Salah El Deen
1963 - Movie
casting by
Nar Fi Sadry
1963 - Movie
casting by
Jameiat qutil alzawajat alhazalia
1962 - Movie
casting by
Abeed Al Gasad
1962 - Movie
casting by
Malik albitrul
1962 - Movie
casting by
Ismail Yassine in Prison
1961 - Movie
casting by
1961 - Movie
casting by
Elsafira Aziza
1961 - Movie
casting by
Beach of Love
1961 - Movie
casting by
Sirae fi aljabal
1961 - Movie
casting by
Don't Remember Me
1961 - Movie
casting by
La tutafiy alshams
1961 - Movie
casting by
Al-Banat W El-Seef
1960 - Movie
casting by
1960 - Movie
casting by
El Nagham El Hazeen
1960 - Movie
casting by
Banat Bahary
1960 - Movie
casting by
Bridge of Immortals
1960 - Movie
casting by
Halaq Al Saydat
1960 - Movie
casting by
Zawga min elsharea
1960 - Movie
Nida' aleishaq
1960 - Movie
casting by
Albulis alsiriyu
1959 - Movie
casting by
Baya'et El Wardd
1959 - Movie
casting by
Hobb wa Dalaa
1959 - Movie
casting by
Hassan wa Nayima
1959 - Movie
casting by
Hikayat hub
1959 - Movie
casting by
Doaa al Karawan
1959 - Movie
casting by
Qotaa Tareeq
1959 - Movie
casting by
Maweid mae almajhul
1959 - Movie
casting by
'Ismaeil ys bwlys harbi
1958 - Movie
casting by
'Iismaeil ys tarazan
1958 - Movie
casting by
Ismail Yassine for Sale
1958 - Movie
casting by
The Big Brother
1958 - Movie
casting by
El Tareeq El Masdood
1958 - Movie
casting by
Ayami Al Saaeda
1958 - Movie
casting by
Habib Hayati
1958 - Movie
casting by
The Midnight Driver
1958 - Movie
casting by
Maleesh Gheirak
1958 - Movie
casting by
Alkomsareyat Alfatinat
1957 - Movie
casting by
The Glory
1957 - Movie
casting by
Inta Habibi
1957 - Movie
casting by
Hayat Ghaneya
1957 - Movie
casting by
Rod Kalby
1957 - Movie
casting by
Ealmuni alhabu
1957 - Movie
casting by
Ln 'abkaa abdaan
1957 - Movie
casting by
Wakr el malzat
1957 - Movie
casting by
'Iizay 'ansak
1956 - Movie
casting by
El Qalb Loh Ahkam
1956 - Movie
casting by
The Scornful Man
1956 - Movie
casting by
Girls of Today
1956 - Movie
casting by
1956 - Movie
casting by
1956 - Movie
casting by
Shabab Imraa
1956 - Movie
casting by
The Great Lady
1956 - Movie
casting by
Euyun sahrana
1956 - Movie
casting by
Dry Your Eyes
1956 - Movie
casting by
Man Al-Qatil
1956 - Movie
casting by
1955 - Movie
El Habeb el maghool
1955 - Movie
casting by
The Absent
1955 - Movie
casting by
Amany Al Umr
1955 - Movie
casting by
Ahl Al-Hawa
1955 - Movie
casting by
Ayamna El-Hlwa
1955 - Movie
casting by
Ayam W Layali
1955 - Movie
casting by
Thawrat almadina
1955 - Movie
casting by
Love and Tears
1955 - Movie
casting by
Sayijarat w kas
1955 - Movie
casting by
The Beach of Memories
1955 - Movie
casting by
Kesat Hoby
1955 - Movie
casting by
Nahnou Bashar
1955 - Movie
casting by
Arba'a Banat wi Zabett
1954 - Movie
casting by
Pity My Tears
1954 - Movie
casting by
Al-Hayah Al-Hob
1954 - Movie
El zolm harram
1954 - Movie
casting by
Al-Mal W'al-Banun
1954 - Movie
casting by
Al-Malak Al-Zalem
1954 - Movie
Ga'alonii Mogriman
1954 - Movie
casting by
Hayah Aw Moot
1954 - Movie
casting by
Khataf Merati
1954 - Movie
casting by
Duluni ya nas
1954 - Movie
casting by
Love Letter
1954 - Movie
casting by
Raqsat Al-Wada'a
1954 - Movie
casting by
Afretet Ismaiel Yassin
1954 - Movie
casting by
An Appointment with Happiness
1954 - Movie
Son of the Alley
1953 - Movie
casting by
Ibn Zawat
1953 - Movie
casting by
Eshhado Ya Nas
1953 - Movie
casting by
Aqwa mn Al-Hob
1953 - Movie
casting by
Al-Hamawat Al-Fatinat
1953 - Movie
casting by
Al-Liqaa' Al Akhir
1953 - Movie
casting by
Ana wi Habibi
1953 - Movie
casting by
Bent Al-Akaber
1953 - Movie
casting by
Hob fi Al-Zalam
1953 - Movie
casting by
Hakam alzaman
1953 - Movie
casting by
1953 - Movie
casting by
1953 - Movie
casting by
Happiness Path
1953 - Movie
casting by
Qitar allayl
1953 - Movie
casting by
Albi ala waldi
1953 - Movie
casting by
The Song of My Heart
1953 - Movie
casting by
A Date With Life
1953 - Movie
casting by
Nshala Hanem
1953 - Movie
casting by
Al-Ustaza Fatma
1952 - Movie
casting by
The Killer Mother
1952 - Movie
casting by
1952 - Movie
casting by
Blood Is Thicker Than Water
1952 - Movie
casting by
Almahraj alkabir
1952 - Movie
casting by
1952 - Movie
casting by
'Ana wahudi
1952 - Movie
casting by
Hayati Inta
1952 - Movie
casting by
Sayidat alqitar
1952 - Movie
Qadam alkhayr
1952 - Movie
casting by
Lahn alkhulud
1952 - Movie
casting by
Mustafa Kamil
1952 - Movie
casting by
Men Al-Qalb Lel Qalb
1952 - Movie
Habib El-Roah
1951 - Movie
casting by
Leilet Elhenna
1951 - Movie
casting by
Wadaan ya ghrami
1951 - Movie
casting by
Waheiba Maleket Al-Ghagar
1951 - Movie
casting by
Lawyer Madiha
1950 - Movie
casting by
1950 - Movie
casting by
1950 - Movie
casting by
Amir Al Intiqam
1950 - Movie
casting by
Saeatan liqalbik
1950 - Movie
casting by
1950 - Movie
casting by
Ma'lish ya Zahr
1950 - Movie
casting by
1950 - Movie
casting by
Kolohom Fil Nar
1978 - Movie
Alhayat naghm
1976 - Movie
Production Management
Al Aseel
1973 - Movie
Production Management
Alhabu walsimt
1973 - Movie
Production Director
1973 - Movie
El Ghufran
1971 - Movie
Production Director
My Fair Teacher
1971 - Movie
Production Director
The Cheater
1970 - Movie
Zawga bila rajul
1969 - Movie
Production Director
Bayt alttalibat
1967 - Movie
Production Director
dhikrayat altilmidha
1965 - Movie
Production Director
Sirae fi aljabal
1961 - Movie
Production Director
Alhayat naghm
1976 - Movie
El Ghufran
1971 - Movie
1956 - Movie
The Country Girl
1954 - Movie
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