Biographies: Ahlam Wehbe - Actor


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She was born in Basra, Iraq in 1938. She lived in Baghdad, and was the daughter of the great artist Munira El Houzouz. Ahlam Wehbe applied to be a singer on the radio in the early fifties, but she initially failed. She began to sing folkloric songs, and in the period between 1958 and 1959, Ahlam presented a number of beautiful songs, such as Seven Days of My Life, and I'm Lonely, Ma. Then she participated in the movies Basra at 11, and Torment Nights. Ahlam Wehbe moved to live in Beirut in 1970, and she also resided in Cairo, where she collaborated with notable composers, including Baleegh Hamdy, and Mounir Mourad, and then she returned to Iraq.