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Ibrahim Taher
Filmography: Ibrahim Taher - Sound Engineer
Sound Engineer
Sound Engineer
Al Gayboba
1998 - Movie
1996 - Movie
Alqalb wama yaeshaq
1996 - Movie
Sound Recording
Love's Gates
1995 - Movie
Belly Dancers' Lane
1994 - Movie
'Aqwaa alrijal
1993 - Movie
Al-Hob Fi Al-Thalaja
1993 - Movie
1993 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Alrijalat fi khatar
1993 - Movie
Al Sadeeqan
1993 - Movie
Mr. Dollar
1993 - Movie
Ahwal Shakhsiya
1992 - Movie
Sound Recording
Gaber's Resignation
1992 - Movie
Sound Recording
El Irhab Wel Kabab
1992 - Movie
Sound Assistant
El settat
1992 - Movie
The Speed Doesn't Exceed Zero
1992 - Movie
Sound Recording
The Burglar
1992 - Movie
Harat aljawhari
1992 - Movie
Dialogue Recording
PhD with Honors
1992 - Movie
My Wife and the Wolf
1992 - Movie
A Killer in a School of Teenagers
1992 - Movie
Shayatin Alshurta
1992 - Movie
Ded Al-Hokuma
1992 - Movie
Sound Recording
Ghalat El Banat
1992 - Movie
Kolo Beylaab Ala Kolo
1992 - Movie
Sound Recording
Abou Kartoona
1991 - Movie
The Cry
1991 - Movie
Sound Engineer
The Return and the Bird
1991 - Movie
1991 - Movie
Sound Recording
Alfurqat 12
1991 - Movie
1991 - Movie
El Kitkat
1991 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Almoshaghibat fil-segn
1991 - Movie
Sound Recording
Almuatin Masry
1991 - Movie
Sound Recording
Al Youm Al Mashhood
1991 - Movie
Bnt albasha alwazir
1991 - Movie
Dialogue Recording
Shaweesh Noss El-leil
1991 - Movie
Dialogue Recording
Keid El-Awalem
1991 - Movie
Musagal Khatar
1991 - Movie
Eqtoul Merati Walak Taheyyati
1990 - Movie
Al'astaa maharuws
1990 - Movie
Sound Recording
El Khadem
1990 - Movie
Dialogue Recording
El zol
1990 - Movie
Sound Assistant
El Raqessa Wil Seyassi
1990 - Movie
El Shaytana Alati Ahabatni
1990 - Movie
Aleadhra' waleaqarb
1990 - Movie
Sound Engineer
1990 - Movie
Sound Recording
Imr'aa Wahda La Takfi
1990 - Movie
Geziret El Sheitan
1990 - Movie
Halit Morahqa
1990 - Movie
Five Cards
1990 - Movie
Sound Recording
Your Friend from Your Luck
1990 - Movie
Sound Recording
1990 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Layel Wi Khawana
1990 - Movie
Sound Recording
1989 - Movie
The Puppeteer
1989 - Movie
Sound Assistant
1989 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Help Us
1989 - Movie
El Agooz Wil Baltagi
1989 - Movie
1989 - Movie
Iilaa ayn takhudhuni hazhih altifla
1989 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Ayam Al Ghadab
1989 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Taming the Man
1989 - Movie
The Story of Tou
1989 - Movie
Knocking on My Door
1989 - Movie
Dialogue Recording
Sydaati Anisaati
1989 - Movie
Eayilat mushaghibatan jdana
1989 - Movie
Sound Recording
Arees Fil Yanaseeb
1989 - Movie
Sound Recording
Eliesh Dakhal El-geish
1989 - Movie
The Death Ward
1989 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Wakil Al Naayib Al Aam
1989 - Movie
Ya Azeezi Kolona Lussous
1989 - Movie
Sound Recording
Ebtsama Fe Nahr Eldmoaa
1988 - Movie
Arbab sawabeq
1988 - Movie
Sound Assistant
The Devil's Friends
1988 - Movie
Eghtyal Modarresa
1988 - Movie
Sound Assistant
1988 - Movie
Albaqiat la Tati
1988 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Alhob aydan yamut
1988 - Movie
aldunya ealaa janah yamama
1988 - Movie
Sound Assistant
You, I, and Hours of Travel
1988 - Movie
Sound Recording
Batal Men Waraq
1988 - Movie
Khetta Baeedat Al Mada
1988 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Time of the Forbidden
1988 - Movie
Sound Recording
Samak laban tamr hendy
1988 - Movie
The Landlord
1988 - Movie
Sound Recording
Endama Yatklam Elsamet
1988 - Movie
Makhalib aimraa
1988 - Movie
Dialogue Recording
Malabs Al Hedad Al Hamraa
1988 - Movie
Malaf Samia Sha'rawy
1988 - Movie
Sound Recording
1988 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Youm Mor We Youm Helw
1988 - Movie
Abnaa' wa Qatala
1987 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Arbet fi muhimat rasmia
1987 - Movie
Have a Good Evening
1987 - Movie
Sound Recording
1987 - Movie
Sound Assistant
1987 - Movie
Al Beih Al Bawwab
1987 - Movie
Sound Assistant
1987 - Movie
1987 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Those Gentlemen
1987 - Movie
Alerdhaljy fi qadiat nusb
1987 - Movie
Dialogue Recording
1987 - Movie
Dialogue Recording
El Kamasha
1987 - Movie
The Iron Woman
1987 - Movie
The Confrontation
1987 - Movie
El nemr w el ontha
1987 - Movie
1987 - Movie
Sound Recording
Aimraatan wa rajul
1987 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Bustan aldam
1987 - Movie
Bear El-Khyana
1987 - Movie
Sound Recording
Thaman alghurba
1987 - Movie
Sound Recording
Jari alwuhush
1987 - Movie
Harat altayibin
1987 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Khaleel ba'd El-Ta'deel
1987 - Movie
Dialogue Recording
A Man in Women's Trap
1987 - Movie
Rod El-Farag
1987 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Sikat alnadama
1987 - Movie
Sound Recording
Owner of the Picture
1987 - Movie
Dialogue Recording
A Slam Dunk
1987 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Drums in the Night
1987 - Movie
Esfour Lah Anyaab
1987 - Movie
Sound Recording
Before Reaching the Age for Suicide
1987 - Movie
Sound Recording
Le Adam Kefayat Al Adella
1987 - Movie
Sound Recording
Ali Baba's Trial
1987 - Movie
The Daily Life of a Modern Woman
1987 - Movie
Sound Recording
Ebnaty Wal-Ze'ab
1986 - Movie
Sound Recording
1986 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Al Bedaya
1986 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Albanat walmajhul
1986 - Movie
Ailtifahat waljamjama
1986 - Movie
Sound Assistant
El-Toot wel Nabboot
1986 - Movie
Sound Recording
Al Harafeesh
1986 - Movie
Sound Assistant
1986 - Movie
1986 - Movie
Dialogue Recording
1986 - Movie
Sound Recording
The Hooligans on Mid-year Vacation
1986 - Movie
Sound Recording
1986 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Alwazir jay
1986 - Movie
A Rebellious Woman
1986 - Movie
Sound Recording
Bokra Ahla Men El-Naharda
1986 - Movie
Bayt Elkwaml
1986 - Movie
Sound Recording
Taht altahdid
1986 - Movie
Gozoor Fel Hawaa
1986 - Movie
Sound Recording
Had Al-Saif
1986 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Diqat zar
1986 - Movie
Sound Recording
Ragol Li Haza El Zamaan
1986 - Movie
Sound Recording
Salam ya sahby
1986 - Movie
Sound Recording
Shadir alsamak
1986 - Movie
El-Sadd Street
1986 - Movie
Sound Engineer
Time of Love
1986 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Qabl Al-Wadaa
1986 - Movie
The Deceivers
1986 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Mudafin mafrushat lil'iijar
1986 - Movie
Maa'raket El Nisaa'
1986 - Movie
Nasaf lhdha alkhata
1986 - Movie
Wadaan Ya Walady
1986 - Movie
Sound Recording
A Stigma
1986 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Estghaset Min Al-Aleem El-Akheer
1985 - Movie
E'dam Mayet
1985 - Movie
Alragol Allazy Atas
1985 - Movie
Sound Assistant
El Zammar
1985 - Movie
Al-Zawaj Walsayf
1985 - Movie
Alqat 'asilah 'asad
1985 - Movie
Sound Assistant
El Keif
1985 - Movie
El Madbah
1985 - Movie
Sound Recording
1985 - Movie
Sound Assistant
1985 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Ayam Al-Tahadi
1985 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Tal aleaqarib
1985 - Movie
Hikkaya fi Kelmetein
1985 - Movie
Khoyout Al-Ankabout
1985 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Zoug Taht Eltalab
1985 - Movie
Sound Recording
Sanawat alkhatar
1985 - Movie
Sound Recording
Shahd Al-Maleka
1985 - Movie
Sound Recording
Saheb El Edara Bawab El Omara
1985 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Clash of Days
1985 - Movie
Sound Recording
Safqa Maa Imraa
1985 - Movie
Efwaan ayuha alqanun
1985 - Movie
Fatuat darab aleisal
1985 - Movie
Sound Recording
Fawzia el borgwazya
1985 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Mahatat Al-Uns
1985 - Movie
Sound Recording
Maqas Amm Qandil
1985 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Samira’s Death
1985 - Movie
Sound Recording
Ethnayn Ala Altariq
1984 - Movie
Akhar alrijal almuhtarimin
1984 - Movie
Sound Assistant
1984 - Movie
Sound Recording
Al Raqissa w Al Tabbal
1984 - Movie
Sound Recording
Forbidden Games
1984 - Movie
Sound Recording
1984 - Movie
Sound Recording
The Lucky
1984 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Almoshaghiboon Fil-Geish
1984 - Movie
El Halfout
1984 - Movie
Devilish Daughters
1984 - Movie
Gabroat Imraa
1984 - Movie
Sound Assistant
In the Convoy of Time
1984 - Series
All Is Well
1984 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Laylat al-Qabd 'Ala Fatimah
1984 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Mahasabashi Hisaboh
1984 - Movie
Matloob Hayyan aw Mayytan
1984 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Wahda Bi Wahda
1984 - Movie
Al Rragel Elly Baa El Shams
1983 - Movie
Sound Assistant
The Venal Gentlemen
1983 - Movie
Sound Assistant
El Ghoul
1983 - Movie
Sound Recording
El Motashredan
1983 - Movie
Sound Assistant
'Iina rabak labialmirsad
1983 - Movie
Iinahum yasriqun aal aranib
1983 - Movie
Sound Assistant
'Awlad almalja
1983 - Movie
Tujibuha kdh tajiuluha kdh hi kdh
1983 - Movie
Hadeth Al Nesf Metr
1983 - Movie
Sound Recording
Hob Fel Zenzana
1983 - Movie
Khamsa Bab
1983 - Movie
Daleel El Ettiham
1983 - Movie
Aalem Wi Almma
1983 - Movie
Sound Assistant
1983 - Movie
Maseud saeid lih
1983 - Movie
Sound Recording
Wedad Al Ghazia
1983 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Illegal Matters
1982 - Movie
Dialogue Recording
1982 - Movie
Sound Recording
El 'Aar
1982 - Movie
Sound Assistant
earis lifatima
1982 - Movie
Dialogue Recording
Ghareeb Fi Baity
1982 - Movie
Lilfaqid alrahma
1982 - Movie
Mekhemar Is Always Ready
1982 - Movie
Min yutafiy alnaar
1982 - Movie
Sound Recording
Alyatim walhabu
1981 - Movie
Ana la akzeb w lakny atagml
1981 - Movie
Sound Recording
The Court's Ruling
1981 - Movie
Sound Recording
Rihlat alrueb
1981 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Qahwet El Mawardi
1981 - Movie
Sound Recording
Wa quyidat dida majhul
1981 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Sorry, I Refuse That Divorce
1980 - Movie
Sound Recording
Ghdaan saantaqim
1980 - Movie
Sound Recording
Alshaytan Yadaq Babik
1976 - Movie
Sareq El-Mahfaza
1970 - Movie
The Eye of Life
1970 - Movie
Sound Assistant
3 Wogoh Lilhob
1969 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Eve's Lies
1969 - Movie
The Three Braves
1969 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Zawga bila rajul
1969 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Alzawaj a'ala altariqat alhaditha
1968 - Movie
An Ordinary Girl
1968 - Movie
Sound Assistant
The Beggars' Strike
1967 - Movie
Sound Assistant
A Crime in the Quiet Neighborhood
1967 - Movie
Sound Assistant
El Ouqalaa El Thalatha
1965 - Movie
1965 - Movie
Al-Moghameron Al-Thalatha
1965 - Movie
Mudaris khususi
1965 - Movie
Sound Assistant
The Love Seeker
1964 - Movie
Sound Assistant
1964 - Movie
Almughamarat alkubraa
1964 - Movie
Thawrat Al-Banat
1964 - Movie
The Harbour Girl
1964 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Al Garima Al Dahika
1963 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Tariq alshaytan
1963 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Qissa Mamnouaa
1963 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Alhaqibat alsawda
1962 - Movie
Sound Assistant
El Qasr El Maloun
1962 - Movie
Kollohom Awlady
1962 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Men Gheir Ma'ad
1962 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Yawm El Hesab
1962 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Elsafira Aziza
1961 - Movie
Sound Assistant
'Iinaa wabanati
1961 - Movie
Sound Assistant
El Nagham El Hazeen
1960 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Sokkar Hanem
1960 - Movie
Hassam we Mareca
1959 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Hubun min naar
1958 - Movie
Sound Engineer
Ghalatat habibi
1958 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Ismail Yassine Fe Genainet El Hayawanaat
1957 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Sageen Abu Za'abal
1957 - Movie
Sound Assistant
1957 - Movie
Sound Assistant
The Great Lady
1956 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Earayis fa almizad
1955 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Lahn alwafa'
1955 - Movie
Sound Assistant
El zolm harram
1954 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Al-Malak Al-Zalem
1954 - Movie
A Dozen of Napkins
1954 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Afretet Ismaiel Yassin
1954 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Lovers' Village
1954 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Kadhabat 'abril
1954 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Ya Zalemni
1954 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Ibn Zawat
1953 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Eshhado Ya Nas
1953 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Ana zanby eh ?
1953 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Albi ala waldi
1953 - Movie
Sound Assistant
Nisa' bila rijal
1953 - Movie
'Ana wahudi
1952 - Movie
Sound Assistant
A Killer in a School of Teenagers
1992 - Movie
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