Ramy Wahed’s love for art began at a young age. This was due to the attachment he had to his departed father Samir Wahid, who worked on theatrical productions in which Ramy participated. While at university, Ramy formed an inter-university acting troupe. His cinema debut was in...Read more the film “Al Garaj” where he acted alongside Nagla Fathi and Farouk Al Fihawy. Ramy had strong relations with the director Mohamed Al Naggar who was his father’s friend. Ramy acted in “Qalb Garea,” after which he was cast in many television series. Director Ahmed Yahya took note of his talent, and later gave him a major role in the series "Al Banat." Wahed continued to prove himself as a versatile actor in a number of television and film roles. His best known work, however, is his performance in the film "Omar wa Salma" (2007).
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Ramy Wahed’s love for art began at a young age. This was due to the attachment he had to his departed father Samir Wahid, who worked on theatrical productions in which Ramy...Read more participated. While at university, Ramy formed an inter-university acting troupe. His cinema debut was in the film “Al Garaj” where he acted alongside Nagla Fathi and Farouk Al Fihawy. Ramy had strong relations with the director Mohamed Al Naggar who was his father’s friend. Ramy acted in “Qalb Garea,” after which he was cast in many television series. Director Ahmed Yahya took note of his talent, and later gave him a major role in the series "Al Banat." Wahed continued to prove himself as a versatile actor in a number of television and film roles. His best known work, however, is his performance in the film "Omar wa Salma" (2007).