Mohanad Hosny مهند حسني


An Egyptian actor, who is a graduate of the Faculty of Media and Communication Arts, Department of Radio and Television. He studied at the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts. He played the role of Ammar Selim Al-Attar in the series The Godfather and joined the Cuffs series...Read more starring Amir Karara in Ramadan 2017. He also joined the cast of the series Shadow of the President starring Yasser Galal.

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  • An Egyptian actor, who is a graduate of the Faculty of Media and Communication Arts, Department of Radio and Television. He studied at the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts. He...Read more played the role of Ammar Selim Al-Attar in the series The Godfather and joined the Cuffs series starring Amir Karara in Ramadan 2017. He also joined the cast of the series Shadow of the President starring Yasser Galal.


  • Birth Country:
  • Egypt
