Biographies: Yusuf Salman - Make-up Artist


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He was born in the Bab al-Sheikh district of Baghdad in 1938. In schools, he practiced his first attempts in the art of make-up. He considers the year 1952 as the beginning of his orientation to this art, which expanded his interest in it, when he worked as an assistant maker in 1956 in the plays Poisoned Resource, and He Wants to Live. Youssef Salman came to Baghdad TV, in which he has been doing the make-up of the characters for the past twenty years. In the field of cinema, Youssef Salman first worked in the movie Warda, the in Saeed Effendi. His participation in Iraqi fiction films followed, including : Abu Haila, Nebuchadnezzar, Autumn Leaves, and The Guardian. In addition to these feature films, Youssef Salman has worked in a number of documentaries and short fiction films. He received a medal of appreciation from the General Organization for Radio and Television, on the occasion of the establishment of Baghdad TV.