Mahmoud ElMeligi started his career as an actor in the Fatma Roushdy theatrical Troupe and moved between different troupes. Al-Meleegy participated in a big number of radio and TV works. Not only was a talented actor especially when it came to the role of the villain, but also wrote the scenario and/or dialogue of a number of films; “Al-malaak al-abyad" (The white angel) in 1946, “Al-omm al-qaatela" (Mother murderer) in 1952, “Segn Abou-Zaabal" (Abou-Zaabal prison) and “Al-mabrouk" (The blessed). In 1964 al-Meleegy received the Science and Art Medal for his lifetime achievement and the Lebanese Cedar Medal. Although he was known for his evil roles, yet towards the end of his career he excelled playing the role of Mohamed Abu-Sweilam in Chahine’s “Al-ard" (The Land) which uncovered his great talent.