Saba Mubarak is a Jordanian actress who was born in 1976 in the village of Ajlun in Jordan. She received a bachelor's degree in theater acting and directing from Yarmouk University in 2001. She started her career in the series “Sihr wa Qamar” (Magic and a Moon) in 1998, after which she scored several successful roles in Jordanian and Syrian television like “Omar al Khayam,” “Belqeis” and “Al Arwah Al Mohajira” (The Immigrating Spirits). Saba's debut in Jordanian cinema was in 2003 through the film “Sifr Al Ganha.” She also appeared in the films “Khareg Al Taghtiya” (Out of Coverage) and “Mamlakat Al Naml” (Kingdom of the Ants). Saba started working in Egypt in 2010 with her role in the film “Bentein min Masr” (Two Girls from Egypt), and she also appeared in several Egyptian television series including “Sharbat Louz” (Almond Sherbet), “Hikayat Banat” (Girls Tales) and “Nassim El Rouh” (Breeze of the Spirits).
Saba Ahmed Suleiman Mubarak Al Suyoof is a Jordanian actress that was born in the Northern province of Jordan on the 10th of April, 1976. Her mother is the departed artist Hanan Al Agha. She graduted from Yarmouk University in 2001 where she had studied theater. Saba can be considered a first rate performer in the field of Arabic drama. She has been dubbed “Queen of Hearts” and it should also be noted that she is divorced from the director Shawqi Al Magiry to whom she has bore one son called Ammar. Saba has preformed remarkably in a variety of roles which include “Qamar”, “Sihr”, “Al Kawathir”, “Al Hajaj”, “Al Arwah Al Muhajira”, “Al Shams Tashriq min Jadeed” , “Al Wardah Al Akhira” and “Khaled bin Al Waleed” where she assumed the role of Hend bint Utbah, a role that has since become famous. Also of note is her performance in “Nimr bin Adwan” which has secured her position as a first-rate performer and “Al Ijtiyah” which has come to be known internationally. Most recently, she has performed in “Siraa Ala Al Rimmal” and “Eioun Ulyah”.