Salma Salem سلمى سالم


A Kuwaiti actress of Iraqi descent. Born in Baghdad, she graduated from the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad. Her breakthrough was in 1998 when she appeared in works in Iraqi theatre and television. She left for Kuwait in 2004 and her first acting experience there was a...Read more starring role on The Bond of Affection (2006) directed by Iraqi director Farouk El Qeissy. Some of her notable works are Sara (2009) and Delicate Volcano (2013).

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  • A Kuwaiti actress of Iraqi descent. Born in Baghdad, she graduated from the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad. Her breakthrough was in 1998 when she appeared in works in...Read more Iraqi theatre and television. She left for Kuwait in 2004 and her first acting experience there was a starring role on The Bond of Affection (2006) directed by Iraqi director Farouk El Qeissy. Some of her notable works are Sara (2009) and Delicate Volcano (2013).


  • Birth Country:
  • Iraq

  • Birth City:
  • Baghdad
