Biographies: Walid Ekhlasy - Writer


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A Syrian writer, born on May 27, 1935, in İskenderun. He completed his secondary education in Aleppo. He joined the Faculty of Agriculture in the city of Alexandria in 1954, where he obtained a degree in agricultural sciences in 1958, then he obtained a postgraduate diploma in agricultural sciences in 1960. He returned to Aleppo, where he worked as an employee in the Ministry of Economy and lectured at the Faculty of Agriculture in Aleppo University. He held several positions, including head of the branch of the Syndicate of Agricultural Engineers in Aleppo. He co-founded the People's Theater, the National Theater, and the Film Club in Aleppo. He worked in literary journalism and wrote stories, novels, plays, articles, and poetry. He is a member of the Society of Story and Novel and received the Appreciation Award of the Arab Writers Union in Damascus, 1990.