Jason Bateman is an American actor known for playing Michael Bluth on the comedy series Arrested Development. He was born in Rye, New York, on January 14, 1969 to Kent Bateman, a film and television director, and Victoria Bateman, a flight attendant. Bateman made his TV debut on...Read more Little House on the Prairie (1974) at age 11. After working on a number of sitcoms in 1980s and 1990s, Bateman garnered critical attention for his deadpan comedic style on the incredible Arrested Development, for which he won a TV Land Award, a Golden Globe and two Satellite Awards. His other film credits include The Kingdom (2007), Juno (2007), Hancock (2008), Up in the Air (2009), Horrible Bosses (2011) and Identity Thief (2013).
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Jason Bateman is an American actor known for playing Michael Bluth on the comedy series Arrested Development. He was born in Rye, New York, on January 14, 1969 to Kent Bateman, a...Read more film and television director, and Victoria Bateman, a flight attendant. Bateman made his TV debut on Little House on the Prairie (1974) at age 11. After working on a number of sitcoms in 1980s and 1990s, Bateman garnered critical attention for his deadpan comedic style on the incredible Arrested Development, for which he won a TV Land Award, a Golden Globe and two Satellite Awards. His other film credits include The Kingdom (2007), Juno (2007), Hancock (2008), Up in the Air (2009), Horrible Bosses (2011) and Identity Thief (2013).