Biographies: Hafez Abdel Rahman - Director


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A Kuwaiti TV presenter and assistant director. He started his artistic career as an assistant director and directed several distinguished competition programs, the most important of which are Q&A and Three by Three with the late Sharif Al-Alami. He took a course on London Television, BBC. In 1972, he joined the University of Southern California and majored in the Media Division, TV and Film Production. In 1977, after graduating from university, he took the position of Head of Variety Department. In 1981, he held the position of Coordination Controller in the Variety Department. In 1992, he occupied the position of production manager. After that, he became an advisor to the Assistant Undersecretary for Television Affairs. In 1999, he held the position of General Manager of Channel One. In 2002, he became the director of Channel Four. At the end of 2004, before his retirement, he held the position of Director General of Channel Three. He worked as an assistant director in the series The Big Heart and Destiny Game.