Qassem Sobhi (1936 - 2020) قاسم صبحي


He was born in 1936 in Babylon Governorate, Iraq. He obtained a diploma from the Institute of Fine Arts in 1963. He worked on several plays during his studies, including Ghosts, Othello, and Oedipus Rex. He also presented several television series, such as Engineer M. In 1966, he...Read more joined the July 14 Theater Troupe. He managed to make an impact on the audiences since the opening of Iraqi television. He died at the age of 84 as a result of complications of the Coronavirus.



  [20 photos]

More details

  • He was born in 1936 in Babylon Governorate, Iraq. He obtained a diploma from the Institute of Fine Arts in 1963. He worked on several plays during his studies, including Ghosts,...Read more Othello, and Oedipus Rex. He also presented several television series, such as Engineer M. In 1966, he joined the July 14 Theater Troupe. He managed to make an impact on the audiences since the opening of Iraqi television. He died at the age of 84 as a result of complications of the Coronavirus.


  • Birth Country:
  • Iraq

  • Died on:
  • 14 September 2020
    [نتيجة تأثره بمضاعفات إصابته بفيروس كورونا المستجد كوفيد 19]

  • Death Country:
  • Iraq
