A Jordanian animation director, who obtained a bachelor's degree in graphic design in 2006 from the University of Petra, after which he completed his master's degree in Animation in 2010 from Newport Film School in the UK. He holds a PhD in Animation from Loughborough University...Read more in the UK. He works as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the University of Petra. He wrote and directed several short animated films, including Missing, Growing, and Surprise. His works participated in more than 150 Arab and international festivals and won many awards.
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A Jordanian animation director, who obtained a bachelor's degree in graphic design in 2006 from the University of Petra, after which he completed his master's degree in Animation...Read more in 2010 from Newport Film School in the UK. He holds a PhD in Animation from Loughborough University in the UK. He works as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the University of Petra. He wrote and directed several short animated films, including Missing, Growing, and Surprise. His works participated in more than 150 Arab and international festivals and won many awards.