Larry Hankin is an American actor, director, and producer. He's best known for recurring roles on the shows "Friends" and "Seinfeld," as well as a primary role in the acclaimed prison break drama "Escape from Alcatraz" (1979) starring Clint Eastwood. While Hankin ended up playing...Read more Tom Pepper on "Seinfeld," he initially went for the role of Kramer. Head writer and producer Larry David initially thought that Hankin best fit his idea of the character, Michael Richards, now known for the iconic role, beat him out. More recently, Hankin played the junkyard owner Old Joe in seasons three and five of AMC's highly rated "Breaking Bad." In 1980, he was also nominated for an Oscar for Outstanding Short Film, Live action for "Solly's Diner."
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Larry Hankin is an American actor, director, and producer. He's best known for recurring roles on the shows "Friends" and "Seinfeld," as well as a primary role in the acclaimed...Read more prison break drama "Escape from Alcatraz" (1979) starring Clint Eastwood. While Hankin ended up playing Tom Pepper on "Seinfeld," he initially went for the role of Kramer. Head writer and producer Larry David initially thought that Hankin best fit his idea of the character, Michael Richards, now known for the iconic role, beat him out. More recently, Hankin played the junkyard owner Old Joe in seasons three and five of AMC's highly rated "Breaking Bad." In 1980, he was also nominated for an Oscar for Outstanding Short Film, Live action for "Solly's Diner."