Indian film actress who has appeared in Malayalam films. She was born in Kollam, Kerala, India, to a clerk in the Kerala Water Authority and a housewife mother. She grew up in Kamukumchery. She was discovered by Indian director Lal Jose, who introduced her in Diamond Necklace...Read more (2012). She is known for My Life Partner, Naku Penta Naku Taka, Left Right Left, and Vedivazhipadu.
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Indian film actress who has appeared in Malayalam films. She was born in Kollam, Kerala, India, to a clerk in the Kerala Water Authority and a housewife mother. She grew up in...Read more Kamukumchery. She was discovered by Indian director Lal Jose, who introduced her in Diamond Necklace (2012). She is known for My Life Partner, Naku Penta Naku Taka, Left Right Left, and Vedivazhipadu.