An Indian actress, who has acted in several Malayalam films, and she also works as a crew member for Emirates Airlines in Dubai. She made her debut with actor Mammootty in the Malayalam film Immanuel (2013), where she played the role of Annie, a middle-class wife. She teamed up...Read more with Mammootty again in 2014's Praise the Lord and went on to star in Sapthamashree Thaskaraha (2014), Ennum Eppozhum (2015), and Kaduva (2022).
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An Indian actress, who has acted in several Malayalam films, and she also works as a crew member for Emirates Airlines in Dubai. She made her debut with actor Mammootty in the...Read more Malayalam film Immanuel (2013), where she played the role of Annie, a middle-class wife. She teamed up with Mammootty again in 2014's Praise the Lord and went on to star in Sapthamashree Thaskaraha (2014), Ennum Eppozhum (2015), and Kaduva (2022).