A British actor, who is best known for his role in the feature film Following, by British director Christopher Nolan, a film in which actor Theobald, director Nolan, and producer Emma Thomas won awards at the San Francisco International Film Festival. He also participated with...Read more Nolan in three other films, including the short films Larceny (1994), Doodlebug (1997), and the feature film Batman Begins (2005).
A British actor, who is best known for his role in the feature film Following, by British director Christopher Nolan, a film in which actor Theobald, director Nolan, and producer...Read more Emma Thomas won awards at the San Francisco International Film Festival. He also participated with Nolan in three other films, including the short films Larceny (1994), Doodlebug (1997), and the feature film Batman Begins (2005).