Elizabeth Keener إليزابيث كينر


An American actress, born in Miami, Florida, in the United States. She is the younger sister of the actress Catherine Keener. She began her artistic career with her participation in the movie Teresa's Tattoo (1994), and she appeared in many commercials. She is known for Friends...Read more with Money (2006), Cross Bronx (2004), and The Chosen (2015).


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  • An American actress, born in Miami, Florida, in the United States. She is the younger sister of the actress Catherine Keener. She began her artistic career with her participation...Read more in the movie Teresa's Tattoo (1994), and she appeared in many commercials. She is known for Friends with Money (2006), Cross Bronx (2004), and The Chosen (2015).


  • Nationality:
  • US
