A Canadian-American actress, born to Canadian theater actor and director Ted Follows and Canadian actress Dawn Greenhalgh. She debuted at the age of nine in various works and played good roles in American and Canadian works alike, including Hockey Night, in which she played the...Read more role of a girl who joins an all-male hockey team. She is known for The Outer Limits, Under the Piano, Open Heart, and Shania: A Life in Eight Albums. She married photographer Christopher Porter, and they divorced in 1996.
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A Canadian-American actress, born to Canadian theater actor and director Ted Follows and Canadian actress Dawn Greenhalgh. She debuted at the age of nine in various works and...Read more played good roles in American and Canadian works alike, including Hockey Night, in which she played the role of a girl who joins an all-male hockey team. She is known for The Outer Limits, Under the Piano, Open Heart, and Shania: A Life in Eight Albums. She married photographer Christopher Porter, and they divorced in 1996.