Anthony Roux أنتوني رو


A French director, producer, and writer, born on March 9, 1977, in Montreuil, France. He is best known as the co-founder and art director of Ankama. He studied at the Fine Arts Academy of Tournai in Belgium. He is known for Dofus: Book 1 - Julith (2015) and Wakfu (2008-2017).

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  • A French director, producer, and writer, born on March 9, 1977, in Montreuil, France. He is best known as the co-founder and art director of Ankama. He studied at the Fine Arts...Read more Academy of Tournai in Belgium. He is known for Dofus: Book 1 - Julith (2015) and Wakfu (2008-2017).

