Biographies: Joanna Barnes - Actor


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Joanna Barnes was born on November 15, 1934 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Joanna Barnes had three marriages; the first was Richard Edward Herndon in 1955 and they divorced, the second was director and writer Lawrence Dobkin (1961-1967) and they divorced, and the third was Jack Lionel Warner (1980-2012) and she remained with him until his death. Among the most important roles of Barnes are in Auntie Mame (1958), Spartacus (1960), The parent Trap (1961), Goodbye Charlie (1964), and Don't Make Waves (1967). Barnes is an actress, writer and journalist, born in Boston, and moved to Los Angeles after graduating in 1956 from Smith College. She signed a contract with Columbia Pictures and presented more than twenty films and many television series. She also authored many books that were reprinted in many European countries and had a permanent column in the newspapers of Chicago and New York.