Brazilian writer and director born in Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. He wrote the film Where I Grow Old, directed by Marília Rocha, which premiered at the International Film Festival Rotterdam in 2016. He also co-wrote and edited and was AD on the film The Hidden...Read more Tiger, directed by Affonso Uchoa, and directed the film Todo mundo tem sua cachaça (2014).
Brazilian writer and director born in Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. He wrote the film Where I Grow Old, directed by Marília Rocha, which premiered at the...Read more International Film Festival Rotterdam in 2016. He also co-wrote and edited and was AD on the film The Hidden Tiger, directed by Affonso Uchoa, and directed the film Todo mundo tem sua cachaça (2014).