Biographies: Lucien Bourjeily - Writer


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A theater and film writer and director, known for his international works in interactive plays. He founded the first professional improvisational troupe in the Middle East, defying all censorship laws, using theater to spark dialogue, encourage freedom of expression, and consider himself a true force for positive change. His theatrical and film work has toured several festivals around the world, leading to his winning numerous awards, including the “Creative Youth Award” from the British Council in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 2009. He brought his progressive approach to the theater to the London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT) in 2012 with his play "66 Minutes in Damascus". In 2012, CNN chose him as one of the eight most innovative people in Lebanon and the world. For his anti-censorship activities in Lebanon, he was nominated for the 2014 Annual Freedom of Expression Award at the Barbican Center in London. One of his most recent works is the play "A Vanishing Nation", which deals with the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which was signed in 1916 between UK and France to divide their influence in the Middle East.