An American actress who was born in Texas and raised in California. She studied piano in her childhood and attended Fresno High School. She started studying at Fresno State Teachers College, where she formed a singing trio. After graduation, she joined a band in San Francisco club and became a singer in the Kay Kyser Orchestra. She became involved in a romantic relationship with Kay Kyser and toured with the band to present a musical comedy. She is known for That's Right - You're Wring (1939), You'll Find Out (1940), and Playmates (1941). Her career lost its momentum very quickly due to her refusal to marry Louis B. Mayer, the president of MGM. She left Hollywood, ended her film career, and continued to sing for a long time. She retired to run a travel agency, and she started taking an interest in decorating as she was involved in the interior decoration of her first husband's hotels. She worked in the real estate field with her third husband, until she died of a sudden heart attack.