Elise van 't Laar إيلسي فات تلار


A Dutch actress, born on October 17, 1989 in Arnhem, Netherlands. In 2012, she graduated from the Academy of Arts in Arnhem. Before completing her studies, she starred in Iets, Iemand by Generatie Oost directed by Laura van Dolron. Her other credits include Supernova, Dorst, and...Read more Between 10 and 12.

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  • A Dutch actress, born on October 17, 1989 in Arnhem, Netherlands. In 2012, she graduated from the Academy of Arts in Arnhem. Before completing her studies, she starred in Iets,...Read more Iemand by Generatie Oost directed by Laura van Dolron. Her other credits include Supernova, Dorst, and Between 10 and 12.

