An Indian television and film actress, born in Mumbai, India. She completed her school education at Gyan Kendra School, Lokhandwala, Mumbai. In 2010, she made her debut in the series Neer Bhare Tere Naina Devi. Some of her works are Gul Makai, Tu Aashiqui, and Tujhse Hai Raabta....Read more She has also completed more than 100 TV commercials in her youth.
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An Indian television and film actress, born in Mumbai, India. She completed her school education at Gyan Kendra School, Lokhandwala, Mumbai. In 2010, she made her debut in the...Read more series Neer Bhare Tere Naina Devi. Some of her works are Gul Makai, Tu Aashiqui, and Tujhse Hai Raabta. She has also completed more than 100 TV commercials in her youth.