American actor, born in Los Angeles, on May 27, 1922. He was married to the actress Jean Trent in 1959, and they had no children. He studied journalism at the University of Southern California. He joined Warner Bros in 1941 and spent the following two years working in small roles in the era of war films, but he did not reach the starring roles. His debut was in You're in the Army Now in 1941. He served in the Merchant Navy during World War II, and after the war he played the roles of the bad guy on the 1950s television. He is best known for his participation in the series “Ramar of the Jungle” in 1952, where he presented 48 episodes of the series. In 1957, he worked as a television coordinator for the Hollywood Specialized Company in creating and producing songs. Ray continued to work in film and television until his last work, where he appeared in two episodes of the TV series Hunter in 1990. His most important works are: Tales of Tomorrow (1953), Ramad of the Jungle (1952-1954), The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1956), and Rocky Jones Space Ranger( 1954). He opened a successful real estate agency in California in his last years, where he died in 1998 at the age of 76.