Haifa Wahbi Rebuffs that she is Pregnant

  • News
  • 06:21 AM - 11 September 2010
  • 3 photos

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Haifa Wahbi has denied claims that she is five months pregnant. The aforementioned claims have asserted that she is pregnant and that she is preparing to host a group of artists and journalists at her home in order to celebrate the occasion. Furthermore, it has also been claimed that she is following the advice of a doctor. Haifa has asserted that those reports have no basis whatsoever and are rather rumors that were spread by mentally deranged individuals. Furthermore, she has also stated that topics relating to pregnancy or other private affairs concern her and her husband only and that no one has the right to speculate with regards to those topics. Haifa has recently gone on holiday to the United States with her husband Egyptian businessman Ahmed Abu Hashima.

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