Arabic Language Iranian Cinema Satellite Channel Launched

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  • 10:06 AM - 23 September 2010
  • 1 photo

Sources in Tehran have announced that a new channel has been launched featuring Iranian films dubbed in Arabic – a move that has been described by those sources as a means to expose Arab viewers to Iranian culture. However, some intellectuals have warned that the move represents a cultural invasion of sorts.AndDr. E’zzat-Allah Zarghamy, President of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) has stated that the purpose behind launching the new channel is to reinforce Islamic unity and to convey true Islamic values and ethics to Arab viewers. The initiative also aims to enable cultural exchange with Arab viewers.The new channel, “iFilm” will be broadcast on two satellites: Arabsat, frequency: 12169 MHz, vertical polarization, symbol rate: 27500, FEC 3/4. The first is Nilesat, frequency: 11393 MHz, vertical position, symbol rate: 27500, FEC ¾The channel hosts 4200 hours of Iranian cinema and aims to improve the image of Iran among Arabs and to bolster relations with the Arab World.

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