Amr A’bd Al Galil Looking for Work

  • News
  • 03:37 PM - 23 September 2010
  • 2 photos

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Performer Amr A’bd Al Galil has stated that the only reason behind his accepting a role alongside Mais Hamdan in the series “Dimagh Hareem” (“Women’s Minds”) that aired on “Al Sharq Al Awsat” on the previous holy month of Ramadan was due to his lack of employment since partaking in “Kalimny Shokran” (“Call Me, Thanks”) that was directed by Khaled Youssif.A’mr has added that he was forced to work on the show as the only other option was to stay at home – a trend that worries him and reminds him of the period prior to his rediscovery by Khaled Youssif and his assignment to a role in “Heyna Maysara”.Moreover, the producing company for Amr’s upcoming title “Sarkhat Namla” (“An Ant’s Cry”) has delayed the shooting date more than once and is yet to assign a director to the production.

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