A Blender and An Iron: Gifts Handed out to the Audiences of “Habbak A’wadein Tamer”

  • News
  • 02:02 PM - 27 September 2010
  • 2 photos

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The crew of theatrical production “Habbak A’wadein Tamer”, which stars Mohamed Riad and the esteemed actress Leila Taher, have organized a daily raffle through which ticket holders can win small prizes that include blenders and irons. Lead actor Mohamed Riad hands out the gifts to the raffle winners at the end of the show.The approach is meant to be a sort of promotion that is intended to draw audiences to the play. The musical “Habbak A’wadein Tamer” was written by Sameh Mahran and directed by Galal Osman and it stars Mohamed Riad, Samah Al Sa’eed, renowned performer Leila Taher, Youssif Dawoud and Magdy Sobhy.

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