Magdy Kamel Revives His Career in TV Drama as “Bigad”

  • News
  • 09:41 AM - 28 September 2010
  • 3 photos

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Egyptian actor Magdy Kamel has returned to television dramas by adopting a leading role in the television series “Al Shaymaa Qeetharat Al Samaa” where he portrays “Bigad”, the husband of “Shaymaa”. Magdy prepared for the role by taking classes in horsemanship and dueling and by following a weight-reduction dietary program. Actress Qamar Khalaf performs alongside Kamel, portraying the role of Shaymaa while actor Ghasan Mas’oud plays her brother. Actress Samira A’bd Al A’ziz portrays Halima Al Sa’adiyeh and actor Ashraf A’bd Al Ghafour plays her husband Al Harith bin Al A’izah.Furthermore, actor Gamal Isma’il is Shaymaa’s grandfather and Youssef Sha’aban plays Abou Sufyan. Ahmed Siyam is Suraqa bin Malik and Nabeel Nour Al Deen is Persian Emperor Khosrow. Jordanian actor Yasser Al Masry also takes part in the series, as does Madeleine Tabr from Lebanon.The television series’ screenplay was written by Mohyy Al Deen Mar’ay and the show is directed by E’ssam Sha’aban.

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