Ilham Shaheen Makes a Second Foray into the World of Cinema Production

  • News
  • 10:55 AM - 12 December 2010
  • 2 photos

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Actress Ilham Shaheen has decided to make a second foray into the world of cinema production following the success of her first film “Khaltat Fawziyeh” (“Fawziyeh’s Recipe”) which was directed by Magdy Ahmed A’li in 2009. Ilham’s latest film will be titled “Ayam fee Al Houb” (“Days Spent in Love”). The screenplay for that production is credited to Shahira A’bd Al Salam while the directing was done by Manal Al Sayfee. The production discusses the question of peaceful coexistence between Muslim and Coptic communities. In another note Ilham is also making preparations for proceeding with an earlier title “Youm li Al Sitat” (“Ladies Night”). Progress on that title was halted due to a production dispute between director Kamila Abu Zikry and producer Mamdouh Al Laithy. That production utilizes a screenplay that was prepared by Hanaa A’ttiya. Moreover, Ilham is also making preparations to shoot a new television series titled “Qadiyat Ma’ali al Wazeer” (“The Case of Her Excellency the Minister”). The screenplay for that production is credited to Mohsen Al Gallad while the directing duties will be assumed by Rabab Hussein. Actor Mostafa Fahmy will be performing alongside Ilham in that production.

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