A’del Imam’s Team Return from Syria After Scouting Film Locations in that Country

  • News
  • 12:14 PM - 15 December 2010
  • 3 photos

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Actor A’del Imam has returned from Syria after he and producer Saffwat Ghattas, together with director Ramy Imam, settled on the locations where they will film Imam’s next television series “Firqat Naggy A’t Allah”. Preparations are also being made for other filming locations outside Egypt, locations which include Iraq, Lebanon and South Africa.The television series relates the story of a retired general who decides to rob an Israeli bank with the help of his sons. That same general is later captured by Hezb Allah and is moved to Syria and thenceforth to Iraq. He is finally captured by an armed group in South Africa and convinces his sons to donate the money which was stolen from the Israeli bank to the fight against famine in Africa.The screenplay for “Firqat Naggy A’t Allah” was authored by Youssef Mu’atty. A’del Imam features in the production and he is joined by a number of young actors including Mohamed A’del Imam, A’mr Ramzy, A’mr Youssef, Niddal Al Shaf’ei and Amgad A’abid. The search is ongoing for a female co-star but has been limited to Syrian nominees Kandah A’loush and Nadine Salameh.

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