Mohamed Sa’ad Signs A Contract with Es’aad for “Khomashar Youm” (“Khomashar Days”)

  • News
  • 03:19 PM - 18 December 2010
  • 2 photos

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Film star Mohamed Sa’ad has signed a contract yesterday Friday for a new title “Khomashar Youm” that will be produced by Ala’rabiyah Cinema company. This comes after negotiations that had been ongoing for a long period with producer Es’aad Younis. The pair have settled on a screenplay that was authored by Nader Salah El Deen.Mohamed Sa’ad is currently holding workshops with producer Es’aad Younis and Nader Salah El Deen in an effort to arrive at the final form of the film.Sa’ad has also expressed his satisfaction with this latest contract indicating that this film is innovative with regards to the treatment and presentation of its central theme. Moreover Mohamed Sa’ad has added that the work will be a pleasant surprise for his fans and followers. Mohamed Sa’ad’s contract comes as part of a string of deals that the Ala’arabiayh production company has concluded with stars such as Ahmed E’zz and A’mr A’bd Al Galil who have signed deals with that company before Sa’ad.

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