Saqr Finalizes Work on “Hazz Al Hilal” (“The Crescent Quakes”) Following a Year of Troubles

  • News
  • 10:46 AM - 20 December 2010
  • 3 photos

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Director Ahmed Saqr will soon conclude the filming of the television series “Hazz Al Hilal Ya Sayyid” (“The Crescent Quakes, Oh Sayyid”) following a long string of problems and obstacles which have plagued the production process since it began more than a year ago and led to numerous delays.Worthy of note is that “Hazz Al Hilal Ya Sayyid” utilizes a script which is credited to Mohamed Galal A’bd Al Qawy. The production features the talents of Nermeen Al Faqqy, Salwa Khittab and Ibrahim Yousry.Ahmed Saqr has confirmed that he will conclude shooting the final scenes of the series within a week. Filming is taking place at several public locations in addition to the city of E’youn Musa and several locations in and around the Suez Canal. Filming has also taken place at desert settings located at the Media Production City. Saqr had received all requisite permits for filming at those locations which retain sets from the ‘70s and the 1973 October War. These sets have proven indispensible for the production of Saqr’s latest title which includes drama scenes set during the war. Those segments feature the works’ leading actors Mamdouh A’bd Al A’leem and Maged Al Masry. The scenes will also include performances by a large number of extras whose numbers exceed 100.

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